MASP project, the final event

Giovedì 11 Marzo 2021

After two years of cooperation and input from the side of public authorities, SMEs, social economy, civil society organisations and researchers, MASP partners are glad to present final project outputs and discuss policy perspectives at national level in the framework of a webinar that can be followed both in Italian and in English

On 25 March 2021 (10 am-1 pm) participants will have the occasion to learn more about the different (online) tools that were developed in the framework of the MASP initiative and tested by public authorities and enterprises in and around the city of Milan as well as in the Province of Trento.

Among them a unique training programme for employees with care tasks as well as an online platform targeting specifically unemployed women. The presented Italian MASP experiences will be complemented and/or commented by presentations of work-life balance-related initiatives from Norway, Austria and France. Ilona Zelvyte and Valentina Remida, DG Employment, European Commission will share their view and knowledge on how to further promote and find support for initiatives around work-life balance and women employment at European level.

You will find more information on the programme and registration here



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This project has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020).
The information, documentation and figures in this website are under the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.



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