The results of the MASP project

Which are the future prospects of the work life balance? We talked about it on occasion of the final event of MASP, a project funded by the European Union with a international partnership led by the Municipality of Milan.
Milan, March 31, 2021 - Great success for the digital event: "Perspectives of Work Life Balance: the MASP project ”staged on Thursday 25 March.
In front of over 100 participants, the speakers placed their seats attention to the positive results obtained by MASP - Master Parenting in Work project and Life in two years of experimentation and sharing of policies and experiences to promote the conciliation between parenting and work. An opportunity to discuss together about female empowerment, but not only: during the conference the focus was on added value that the parenting experience can represent both for the woman and for the man.
The conference, moderated by Emanuela Donetti - Innovation Consultant, started with the institutional greetings from Roberto Munarin - Director of the Work and Training Area of the Department of Urban Economics and Labor - Municipality of Milan, Cristina Tajani - Councilor for Labor Policies, Productive Activities, Commerce e Human Resources of the Municipality of Milan and Ilona Zelvyte - Policy Officer, European Commission.
The conference speakers brought interesting ideas starting from many direct experiences lived in the experimentation and monitoring phase of the project. To the conference, specifically, there were Flaviano Zandonai - Open Innovation Manager, CGM Cooperative Group, Cristina Morini - BIN Italia Board of Directors, Alda Fiordelli - Projects and Innovation Office, AFOLMET, Laura Ravanelli - protagonist of a path activated by the project, Stefano Valvason - General Manager, A.P.I., Stefania Terlizzi - General Manager, Trento Employment Agency, Serena Miccolis - Researcher, AICCON, Pietro Binelli - Project developer, Euromasc, Claudia Sorger - L&R Social Research, Eva Ledroit - EU Policy & Projects Officer, Make Mothers Matter, Elisa Vimercati - Head of research and development, Lifeed, Valentina Remida - Policy Assistant responsible for Italy, DG EMPL and Giuseppina Corvino - Work Area e Education of the Economics Department.
What emerged from the many reports that took place during the event is that certainly the work life balance implies a series of challenges: challenges which nevertheless can be won thanks to the sharing and taking charge of specific paths aimed at encourage the return to the labor market by women, enhancing the soft skills that are in fact acquired in the parenting experience.
Soft skills useful not only for the development of one's personal profile, but also to acquire greater competitiveness at work, while bringing added value to the company.
What emerges from two years of experience with MASP is that only in a collaborative way and synergistic, through policies at national and European level, it will be possible to do the difference by recognizing and supporting initiatives aimed at contrasting gender disparity and supporting a work-life balance, benefiting from shared resources, advanced technologies, new professional roles and welfare systems territorial.
You can find the recording of the conference here.

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