MASP- Master Parenting in Work and Life (English)

MASP is a project cofunded by the European Commission, within the EaSI 2014-2020 Programme, whose aim has been to change the perspective of work-life balance, passing from a concept of balance to one of synergy and, thanks to a more equitable division of family responsibilities between men and women, encourage the participation of women in the labour market.

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MASP – Master parenting in work and lifeParternariato:  Comune di Milano (capofila),  Agenzia del Lavoro della Provincia Autonoma di Trento (ITA), – AFOL Metropolitana - Agenzia Metropolitana per la formazione l'orientamento e il lavoro – (ITA), AICCON – Associazione Italiana per la Promozione della Cultura della Cooperazione e del Non Profit (ITA); A.P.I. Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie (ITA), Associazione Basic Income Network (BIN) Italia (ITA), EUROMASC (NOR), Gruppo Cooperativo CGM (ITA),  Life Based Value srl - Lifeed (ITA), REVES – Réseau Europeen des Villes et Régions de l’Economie Sociale (BEL).

Starting date: 1 February 2019 Ending Date: 30 April2021
Contact: Comune di Milano. Area Lavoro e Formazione - Unità Mercato del Lavoro 


  • To develop and test an innovative work-life balance strategy drawing on the experience of two programmes: the first programme (MAAM) dedicated to unemployed women; the second one (Family Audit) targeting the enterprises and their employees;
  • To improve capacities and knowledge of the key actors involved in the process of reconciliation of work and private life in order to make them aware of the work-life synergy perspective and give them tools to implement innovative measures;
  • To develop a sustainable multi-level partnership model in order to create an integrated urban policy in the territories participating in the project;
  • To foster knowledge and experience-sharing between different countries and companies already implementing successful work-life balance strategies, with a strong emphasis on the need to involve more men in care duties;
  • To facilitate access to information about social protection rights and entitlements.

The activities carried out by the MASP project have been: 

  • An in-depth and accurate analysis of the Italian context,
  • The identification of the two Italian best practices to implement work-life balance policies in enterprises, namely Family Audit and MAAM - Maternity as a Master”.
  • A test phase in a few big companies and SMEs ready to experiment with their organizations the selected practices. 
  • The implementation of: 
    • Webinars dedicated to entrepreneurs to increase the adoption of work-life balance initiatives in Milan’s and Trento’s areas.
    • A digital platform, designed especially for unemployed and unoccupied women, allowing an accurate evaluation of their competencies and facilitating their career guidance in the labour market.
    • Ad hoc training courses organized for employment services operators in Milan’s and Trento’s areas to empower specific attention to gender inclusiveness and issues.
    • A Parental Kit, available in paper and online version with all the relevant information on Italian family legislation and family services present locally in Milan’s and Trento’s areas. 
    • A benchmarking analysis of an advanced reference model, the Norwegian welfare system, to grasp, re-elaborate, and re-propose its notable aspects within the Italian territory.

Project Work Packages:

  • WP1 Management and Coordination
  • WP2 Research and Best Practice  
  • WP3 Knowledge and Experience Sharing  
  • WP4 Training
  • WP5 MASP Public Programme for Women
  • WP6 MASP Private Services for Enterprises
  • WP7 Dissemination and Communication
  • WP8 Impact Evaluation.  


The two-year project experience has shown that, only collaboratively and synergistically, through policies at the national and European level, it will be possible to make a difference in the work-life balance. It has underlined how crucial it is to support initiatives aimed at combating gender inequality and enhancing a balance between life and work through shared resources, advanced technologies, new professional roles and territorial welfare systems.
The project has represented an insight opportunity on the new skills that parenting provides to anyone in this condition. It has highlighted the importance of recognizing and making the best use of parenting skills to increase the quality of workers' performance and, as a result, the company's overall value. It has led to a redefinition of the concept of work-life balance, relying both on training courses and on the awareness of the key players in the life-work ecosystem, employers, social partners, public service personnel and, more in general, of the world of work.
MASP has also promoted the knowledge, sharing, and exchange of experiences and good practices among the partnership and involved actors and has tried to facilitate access to rights and social protection information.
The main tools developed during the project are listed below:

  • An online platform for enhancing parenting skills in the professional field (dedicated to women).
  • An operational guide for work-life balance services dedicated to parents and caregivers (Parental kit).
  • A Guide Program for Enterprises for Business Owners and Managers. 
  • A Handbook for Public and Employment Services Staff to create accompaniment paths for unemployed women.(in Italian)



MASP Facebook Page 

MASP Twitter Page  

MASP Digital Piattaform 

MASP Digital Platform, A short presentation (in Italian)

MASP Thematic Interviews

Project Partners’ websites: Agenzia del Lavoro della Provincia Autonoma di Trento,  AFOL Metropolitana, AICCON, A.P.I. Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie, Associazione Basic Income Network (BIN) Italia, EUROMASC, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Life Based Value srl - Lifeed,  REVES.

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This project has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020).
The information, documentation and figures in this website are under the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.


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